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University of the Witwatersrand

The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, also known as Wits University, is a leading, internationally-ranked, research-intensive university located in Johannesburg, South Africa, the economic heartland of Africa. Committed to academic and research excellence and social justice, Wits generates high level scarce skills for a globally competitive world, while addressing local social and economic development. At the forefront of a changing society, Wits is a social leader, dedicated to advancing the public good.

Wits is known for its work in deep level mining, science, health sciences, accountancy, law, governance, and the humanities, amongst others. It houses five faculties which comprise 34 schools. Wits offers approximately 3 600 courses to about 32 500 full-time students, of whom about a third are postgraduate and 55% are female. Almost 65% of all doctoral candidates and about half of all enrolments are in the Science, Engineering and Technology fields. Wits has developed about 130 000 graduates in its 93 years of existence. It has a proud record in that about 87% of all publications are in accredited international journals.


Displaying 301 - 320 of 1334 articles

C’est en séquençant le matériel génétique contenu dans des échantillons issus de personnes testées positives pour le coronavirus que les scientifiques identifient les nouveaux variants. Lightspring / Shutterstock

Omicron : comment ce nouveau variant du SARS-CoV-2 a-t-il été identifié, et que sait-on de lui ?

Une nouvelle lignée de SARS-CoV-2, B.1.1.529, a été identifiée. Baptisée Omicron par l’OMS, qui l’a catégorisé « préoccupant », ce variant a un profil génétique très différent des précédents.
Scientists find variants by sequencing samples from people that have tested positive for the virus. Lightspring/Shutterstock

The hunt for coronavirus variants: how the new one was found and what we know so far

There’s a new COVID lineage called B.1.1.529. It has a genetic profile very different from other circulating variants
“Alfie”, a moral choice machine, is pictured in front of an important question during a press conference in Germany. Arne Dedert/picture alliance via Getty Images

Defining what’s ethical in artificial intelligence needs input from Africans

Inclusivity and diversity also need to be at the level of identifying values and defining frameworks of what counts as ethical AI in the first place.
South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa: His party’s 2022 elective conference and the country’s 2024 national elections will define political choices. Getty Images

South Africa faces a slowly worsening chronic fiscal crisis

National Treasury’s strategy to overcome South Africa’s chronic fiscal crisis rests on highly uncertain political and economic foundations.
An illustration shows how, about 65 million years ago, a large asteroid collided with Earth. It hit what is today Mexico and created the Chicxulub crater. Mark Garlick/Science Photo Library/Getty Images

Curious Kids: Why are there so few impact craters on Earth?

Impact craters are relatively shallow, so these bowl-shaped “dents” in Earth’s rocky crust can be easily buried or erased by erosion.
Through their vaccination choices, parents are often communicating not just what they think, but also who they are. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Unpacking parents’ reasons for not vaccinating their children: why it matters

Vaccination uptake is influenced by many factors and carries a variety of meanings – social, political, economic, ideological, moral as well as biological.
Higher temperatures cause drought, and can lead to food insecurity. Guido Dingemans, De Eindredactie/GettyImages

Extreme heat hurts human health. Its effects must be mitigated – urgently

Many of the temperatures presently being recorded in Africa, and those projected in the next decade, are already close to the limits of human survival, or “liveability”.
Members of the LGBT community attending the annual Gay Pride march in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2017. EFE-EPA/Kim Ludbrook

LGBT migrants in South Africa: religion can be a blessing, and a curse

The author set out to understand how the faith of displaced LGBT people in South Africa has evolved over time, and how religion has shaped their experiences of displacement.
Rural women in Agincourt, South Africa, with water collection containers. Lauren Porter

What has changed for rural South African women in the last 25 years

The provision of better health services and social grants has aided rural women’s progress in South Africa, but there are still tremendous needs to be met.


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