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Chair Professor in Computing, Edinburgh Napier University

Following postdoctoral and academic positions at the University of West of Scotland (EPSRC postdoctoral fellow: 1996-98), University of Dundee (Research Lecturer: 1998-2000) and University of Stirling (Lecturer: 2000-4; Senior Lecturer: 2004-8; Reader: 2008-12; Chair Professor: 2012-18) respectively, he joined Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) in 2018 as a Chair Professor in the School of Computing. He is founding Director of the Centre for AI and Robotics (CAIR) and Heads the Trustworthy Data Science and Cyber Analytics Research Group (managing over 40 academics and research staff). He is also founding Head of the Cognitive Big Data Analytics (CogBiD) Research Lab.

He currently holds a number of Visiting Professorships, including at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Shanghai University and Anhui University. He has previously held Visiting Professorships at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT - Synthetic Intelligence Lab), USA and the University of Oxford (Oxford Computational Neuroscience), UK.

He is Turing Academic Lead for the University Network of the Alan Turing Institute (the UK's National Institute for AI and Data Science). He is elected Executive Committee member of the UK Computing Research Committee (UKCRC) - the National Expert Panel of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT - promoting quality and impact of UK computing research, including formulating policy and presenting views to Government and Parliamentary Committees through submissions and responses to consultations. He is also a member of the Association for BME Engineers (ABFE-UK) and strives to collaboratively explore new ways to connect and inspire young professionals, women and other members of under-represented groups in computing and engineering.

He regularly serves as advisor for national and global industry and for international government organizations. For example, he was recently appointed international advisor for Kuwait Government’s Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) to develop the country’s National AI Strategy and the National AI Centre of Excellence. He advised on strategy, capacity building and development of high-impact AI research and innovation programmes to deliver priority objectives of Kuwait Vision 2035.

He is currently an invited member of the Distinguished Scientific Committee of Saudi Arabia's Research Development and Innovation Authority (RDIA). He also serves on the Advisory Board of the National Centre of Big Data and Cloud Computing (NCBC), established by Pakistan Government, offering strategic advice on harnessing the transformative potential of AI and data science through the development of a national AI strategy for the country. He is Chair of the IEEE UK and Ireland Industry Applications Society Chapter, which has been recognised as one of the most productive Chapters in the IEEE UK and Ireland Section.


  • –present
    Personal chair in cognitive computation, University of Stirling