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Charlotte is the Director of Clinical Immunology and Allergy at Royal Melbourne Hospital. She completed a PhD in 2020, Investigating the genetic causes of PID, in the Immunogenetics group of the Immunology Division at WEHI. She became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and Royal College of Pathology of Australasia in 2012.

Her research has contributed to the discovery of novel genetic causes of the most common primary immunodeficiency, CVID, and has been translated to improved diagnosis and treatments in the clinic. She has worked with the Australian and Melbourne Genomics Health Alliances, enabling genomic technologies to more quickly and accurately diagnose patients with immunologic diseases.

Charlotte has recently been appointed laboratory head at WEHI, where she will continue to study human immune diseases, with a focus on identifying factors that drive phenotypic variability in monogenic and oligogenic disease.


  • –present
    Laboratory Head, Immunology Division, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute