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Christina Theodoraki

Professeur des universités en Entrepreneuriat et Stratégie, IAE Graduate School of Management, Aix-Marseille Université (AMU)

Christina Theodoraki is Full professor (HDR) in Entrepreneurship & Strategy at IAE Aix-Marseille University. She is elected PDW Chair at the Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division. Her PhD was supported by the Labex Entrepreneurship at the University of Montpellier. She defended her HDR (Habilitation to Supervise Research, which is the highest academic qualification that a person can receive and corresponds to the highest level of French diploma) on September 4th, 2023 at IAE Paris Pantheon Sorbonne, entitled Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Sustainably (BEES). She is Affiliate professor at the International University of Monaco, Member of the Advisory Board at the Institute for Development Strategies at Indiana University, Research associate at the Chair of Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation (ETI) – IAE Paris-Sorbonne, Business Development Manager at the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Research Network (EERN), Editor of Small Business Economics, Associate editor of the Journal of Small Business Management, Management & Prospective – Gestion 2000, and Revue internationale PME, and member of the editorial boards of Review of Managerial Science (RMS), Entrepreneurship Research Journal, Journal of Enterprising Communities, Journal of the Knowledge Economy. She also leads the Babson Collaborative research group on entrepreneurial ecosystems and co-supervises 4 PhD/DBA theses. Her teaching areas are Management, Strategy, Business Plan and Entrepreneurial Support. She coordinates the Business Specialization Course on Entrepreneurship. Her areas of research include entrepreneurial ecosystem, entrepreneurial support, and inter-organizational strategies with a focus on business incubators. Her work has been presented at Anglo-Saxon conferences such as: AOM, SMS, RENT, EURAM, ICSB, etc. She has also participated in research entrepreneurial events such as the Babson Doctoral Consortium. Her work is published in Small Business Economics, European Management Review, Journal of Business Research, R&D Management, IEEE TEM, M@n@gement, Journal of Technology Transfer, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Revue Internationale PME, etc. She received the Babson Collaborative Member of the Year 2021 Award; the ICSB’21 Best Policy Paper Award, 2 ICSB’20 Best webinar and Best Article Resiliency Awards and 2 best dissertation awards (AEI’18, AIREPME’18).


  • 2024–present
    Professeur des universités, IAE Aix-Marseille Université
  • 2018–2024
    Associate professor, TBS Business School


  • 2018 
    Université de Montpellier, Prix de thèse AEI/AIREPME

Professional Memberships

  • ICSB International Council for Small Business
  • AOM Academy of Management
  • EURAM European Academy of Management
  • AIREPME - Association de Recherche en Entrepreneuriat et PME
  • AEI Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation


2 prix de meilleure thèse par l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation - AEI et par l'Association Internationale de Recherche en Entrepreneuriat et PME - AIREPME, prix Babson Collaborative Member of the Year 2021, 2 prix de Meilleur Webinaire et Meilleur Article Resiliency Awards de l’ICSB - International Council for Small Business. Cretan Distinguished Scientists with Excellence in Research