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Claire Isabella Gilmour

PhD Candidate, Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Bristol

Claire Gilmour has an MA (Hons) Archaeology & Celtic Civilisation and DipHE Egyptology (Distinction) from the University of Glasgow, MLitt Museum & Gallery Studies from the University of St Andrews, and is a PhD candidate in Anthropology & Archaeology at the University of Bristol (Morgan Scholar 2018-19), researching the cultural and academic impact of the study of Ancient Egypt in Scotland. She teaches Egyptology, Archaeology and the Ancient Near East at the University of Glasgow, and has worked in museum collections care for over twenty years. She is also Chair of Egyptology Scotland, is on the committees of the International Society for the Study of Egyptomania (ISSE) and the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE), and is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Research interests include: Histories of Egyptology, museums and collecting; the life and career of Scottish archaeologist and antiquarian Alexander Henry Rhind (1833-63); the modern reception of Ancient Egypt; Scottish cultural studies; funerary archaeology (especially Ancient Egyptian tomb equipment).


  • 2005–present
    Museum Collections Care, East Ayrshire Leisure Trust
  • 2014–present
    Chair, Egyptology Scotland
  • 2010–present
    Lecturer (Egyptology, Archaeology, Ancient Near East), University of Glasgow
  • 2021–present
    English Language Assistant, Trabajos de Egiptologia
  • 2022–present
    Ethics Consultant, International Society for the Study of Egyptomania
  • 2023–present
    Committee Member, Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East
  • 2015–2017
    Acting Subject Specialist (Ancient Studies), University of Glasgow


    University of Glasgow, MA(Hons) Archaeology/Celtic Civilisation
    University of Glasgow, DipHE Egyptology (Distinction)
    University of St Andrews, MLitt Museum & Gallery Studies


  • 2016
    Alexander Henry Rhind (1833-63): A Scottish Antiquary in Egypt, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland

Professional Memberships

  • Museums Association
  • International Association of Egyptologists