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Cristina Moliner Langa

Graduated in Pharmacy and PhD in Health Sciences by San Jorge University (Zaragoza, Spain). Moreover, Moliner studied a Master in Pharmaceutical Care and Pharmacotherapy at the same university. Her career as a researcher began in 2014 when she started her doctoral thesis. Her phD was focus on the identification of potential bioactivities of edible flowers for their future development and their commercial exploitation as functional food and/or nutraceuticals using in vitro and in vivo approach. This work also incorporated a three-month placement in a laboratory in Helsinki University in Finland. Moliner received the PhD Extraordinary Award for her thesis in Health Sciences from San Jorge University in 2019. Currently, Moliner carries out her research work as member of research group at San Jorge University, continuing along the same research line of her phD project. She is the author of 8 articles in indexed journals in the health sciences area. Since 2019, she has been working as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences of San Jorge University.


  • –present
    Profesora de Farmacología y Técnicas de Instrumentación Biomédica I, Universidad San Jorge


    Universidad San Jorge, Grado en Farmacia