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Associate professor, UCL

My research seeks to advance existing knowledge and evidence on transport, poverty and inequality in cities of the global south, contesting and stretching current understanding of social implications of urban transport development for vulnerable populations in cities. As transport continues occupying an increasingly determinant role in developing effective cities, concerns on issues of social and spatial inequalities will be fundamental to the well-being and economic opportunities of all urban citizens. Recent research I have been involved in explored the links between transport and social exclusion, transitions to sustainable and inclusive urban mobility in global south cities, the role of disruptions and new technologies in accessibility and sustainability, the critical analysis of informal transport, and the relationships between urban transport and well-being.


  • 2019–present
    Assistant Professor, University College London


  • 2017 
    University College London, PhD Development Planning
  • 2010 
    Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), Msc Transport Engineering