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Senior lecturer, School of Education, Bath Spa University

Ghazala Bhatti went to school in Karachi, Pakistan. She read Philosophy and Literature at the University of Warwick and has taught in both primary and secondary schools in England. She held a post-doctoral Research Fellowship at the Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford, which focused on the educational experiences of children from minority ethnic communities, before joining the School of Education at the Open University. She has contributed to teaching on various undergraduate and post graduate programmes as Lecturer at the University of Reading for a decade followed by a Senior Lectureship at the University of Southampton. Ghazala joined the School of Education at Bath Spa University in 2012. Her research interests are broadly in the area of Social Justice in Education. She is a founder member and joint convenor of the ‘Social Justice and Intercultural Education’ network for ECER (European Conference on Educational Research) which brings researchers together from many universities in Europe and beyond.


  • –present
    Senior lecturer, School of Education, Bath Spa University