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Senior Lecturer in Analytics, RMIT University

Dr Haydar Demirhan is a senior lecturer of analytics at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.

His research interests are mainly related to Bayesian inference, categorical data analysis, time series analysis, and environmental modelling. Specifically, he is interested in the specification of prior distributions for Bayesian modelling with categorical data.

His main contribution to this area is to introduce the Generalised Multivariate Log-Gamma prior and its use with different complex models.

In the area of environmental modelling, he is particularly interested in the prediction of solar radiation using statistical and artificial intelligence techniques. In this area, he highlighted the impact of the models with multicollinearity problem and introduced promising models for the prediction of horizontal solar radiation that do not suffer from various violations of assumptions including multicollinearity.

In addition to these main areas of research, he has contributions to the areas of extinction modelling, missing value imputation in time series data, cryptographic randomness, and development of research software using R.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer in Analytics, RMIT University
  • 2013–2016
    Associate professor, Hacettepe University


  • 2009 
    Hacettepe University, PhD / Statistics


  • 2023
    Resolving the enigma of Iquitos and Manaus: A modelling analysis of multiple COVID-19 epidemic waves in two Amazonian cities, PNAS
  • 2023
    Bayesian Prediction of Wildfire Event Probability Using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Data From an Australian Forest, Ecological Informatics
  • 2023
    Detection of grey zones in inter-rater agreement studies, BMC Medical Research Methodology
  • 2023
    Weighted kappa measures for ordinal multi-class classification performance, Applied Soft Computing
  • 2022
    Solar photovoltaic utilization in electricity generation to tackle climate change, Journal of Environmental Informatics
  • 2022
    Modified Fuzzy Regression Functions with a Noise Cluster Against Outlier Contamination, Expert Systems With Applications
  • 2022
    Solving the datum search as a partially observed stochastic game, IEEE Access
  • 2022
    Bayesian prediction of Emergency Department wait time, Health Care Management Science
  • 2022
    Spatiotemporal Bayesian estimation of the number of under-reported COVID-19 cases in Victoria Australia, PeerJ
  • 2022
    Bayesian estimation of the effect of health inequality in disease detection, International Journal for Equity in Health
  • 2022
    Robust Wind Speed Estimation with Modified Fuzzy Regression Functions with a Noise Cluster, Energy Conversion and Management
  • 2021
    Inferring extinction date of a species using non-homogeneous Poisson processes with a change-point, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • 2021
    Bayesian approaches to the weighted kappa-like inter-rater agreement measures, Statistical Methods in Medical Research
  • 2021
    The impact of grey zones on the accuracy of agreement measures for ordinal tables, BMC Medical Research Methodology
  • 2020
    Fuzzy regression functions with a noise cluster and the impact of outliers on mainstream machine learning methods in the regression setting, Applied Soft Computing
  • 2020
    Incorporation of expert knowledge in the statistical detection of Diagnosis Related Group misclassification, International Journal of Medical Informatics
  • 2020
    Using survival theory models to quantify extinctions, Biological Conservation
  • 2020
    dLagM: An R package for distributed lag models and ARDL bounds testing, PLoS ONE
  • 2020
    Inferring extinction year using a Bayesian approach, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • 2020
    Transmission network reconstruction for foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks incorporating farm-level covariates, PLoS ONE
  • 2020
    Impact of increasing temperature anomalies and carbon dioxide emissions on wheat production, Science of the Total Environment
  • 2020
    A clinical coding recommender system, Knowledge-Based System
  • 2019
    A bagging algorithm for the imputation of missing values in time series, Expert Systems with Applications
  • 2019
    Bayesian updating to estimate extinction from sequential observation data, Biological Conservation
  • 2019
    A new rank sensitivity metric for decision support, Statistics and Its Interface
  • 2019
    Bayesian updating to estimate extinction from sequential observation data, Biological Conservation
  • 2018
    Bayesian logistic regression approaches to predict incorrect DRG assignment, Health Care Management Science
  • 2018
    Missing value imputation for short to mid-term horizontal solar irradiance data, Applied Energy
  • 2018
    Weighted inter-rater agreement measures for ordinal outcomes, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation
  • 2018
    A generalized Gumbel distribution and its parameter estimation, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation
  • 2018
    Inferring about the extinction of a species using certain and uncertain sightings, Journal of Theoretical Biology

Professional Memberships

  • International Society for Bayesian Analysis - ISBA
  • Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Research Areas

  • Knowledge Representation And Machine Learning (170203)
  • Neural, Evolutionary And Fuzzy Computation (080108)
  • Artificial Intelligence And Image Processing (0801)
  • Speciation And Extinction (060311)
  • Statistics (0104)
  • Applied Statistics (010401)
  • Biostatistics (010402)