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Irene Shankar

Professor, Sociology, Mount Royal University

Irene Shankar studies critical engagement of intersections of marginalization and inequality within her scholarship and teaching. A sociologist, Dr. Shankar’s main areas of interest are the Feminist Theories, the Sociology of Gender, Critical Race Theory, and the Sociology of Health and Illness. Dr. Shankar’s ability to use her critical scholarship to inspire activism and change has resulted in numerous commendations for her leadership in both teaching and research. She is currently completing her SSHRC IDG-funded research on (under)utilization of feminist expertise within PSI sexual assault policies and programs. Dr. Shankar served as the President of the Canadian Sociological Association (2022-23) and is completing the role of Past President (2023-2034).


  • 2024–present
    Professor, Mount Royal University


  • 2011 
    University of Alberta, Ph.D in Sociology