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Assistant Professor of Psychology, Northumbria University, Newcastle

Jose considers himself an accidental academic who just happens to be interested in a wide range of things spanning social cognition, evolutionary psychology, behavioral ecology, mating and relationships, culture, organizational behavior and group processes, motivation, and wellbeing. Unfortunately, getting a PhD is one of the very few ways you can get hired to do research, so Jose huffed and puffed through a couple years of doctoral studies at the Singapore Management University and finally defended his dissertation in 2017. In a previous lifetime, Jose was active in the electronic music scene as a DJ but these days can be found pursuing his loves for whiskey, football, travel, and the occasional rave when he isn’t knee-deep in research. Jose has been with Northumbria University since 2022.


  • 2022–present
    Assistant Professor of Psychology, Northumbria University
  • 2020–2023
    Associate Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences