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Koen Slootmaeckers

Reader in International Politics, City, University of London

Koen Slootmaeckers is a Reader in International Politics at the Department of International Politics at City, University of London. He researches LGBT politics in Europe and is the co-editor of ‘EU Enlargement and Gay Politics’ (Palgrave 2016; with Heleen Touquet and Peter Vermeersch), and is the author of "Coming In: Sexual Politics and EU Accession in Serbia" (Manchester University Press, in press).


  • 2023–present
    Reader, City, University of London
  • 2020–2023
    Senior lecturer, City, University of London
  • 2017–2020
    Lecturer, City, University of London


  • 2018 
    Queen Mary Univeristy of London, PhD in Political Science
  • 2011 
    Ghent University, MSc Sociology


  • 2023
    The Dislocation of LGBT Politics: Pride, Globalization, and Geo-Temporality in Uganda and Serbia., International Political Sociology
  • 2022
    Unpacking Normative Resonance: The Attitudinal Panopticon and the Implementation Gap of LGBT Rights in Serbia, Social Politics
  • 2022
    Constructing European Union Identity through LGBT Equality Promotion: Crises and Shifting Othering Processes in the European Union Enlargement, Political Studies Review
  • 2019
    Nationalism as competing masculinities: homophobia as a technology of othering for hetero- and homonationalism, Theory & Society
  • 2018
    Marrying European and Domestic Politics? The Marriage Referendum in Croatia and Value-Based Euroscepticism, Europea-Asia Studies
  • 2018
    Europeanization of attitudes towards homosexuality: exploring the role of education in the transnational diffusion of values, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research
  • 2017
    The litmus test of pride: analysing the emergence of the Belgrade “Ghost” pride in the context of EU accession, East European Politics
  • 2016
    The EU Enlargement and Gay Politics: The Impact of Eastern Enlargement on Rights, Activism and Prejudice, Palgrave
  • 2015
    Queer to be kind: Exploring Western media discourses about the "Eastern bloc" during the 2007 and 2014 Eurovision Song Contests, Contemporary Southeastern Europe