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Maria Teresa Ferazzoli

Research Associate, IMPACT (IMProving Adult Care Together) and CIRCLE (Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities, University of Sheffield

I have been a research associate at Sheffield University since 2018 and I have completed my PhD at the University in 2019 with the thesis “The formation of deinstitutionalization discourses in Italy and England: a cross-national archaeological study”. Before commencing my PhD studies at Sheffield, I completed a Masters’ degree in Psychology at “La Sapienza” University of Rome and I worked as a project coordinator for the mental health charity, Mind.

My research interests include the provision of mental health support in different countries.
As a research associate, I have worked on research projects that explore particularly sensitive subjects, including the role of faith-based organisations in anti-trafficking, and parent’s experiences of miscarriage, stillbirth and unexplained neonatal death. I am committed to conducting research that has the potential to make a real difference to people, and in these roles she has become skilled at extending research engagement to health professionals, charities and members of the public.


  • –present
    Research Associate, University of Sheffield


  • 2020 
    University of Sheffield, PhD Sociology