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Professor of Urban Sustainability, University of Salford

Professor Michael Hardman is Chair of Urban Sustainability at the University of Salford. Mike is an interdisciplinary researcher interested in urban sustainability and has published widely on topics from guerrilla gardening to urban agriculture and green infrastructure. His work is global in nature, with projects in the likes of Africa, North America, Europe and elsewhere, focussing on themes from the potential to upscale radical greening initiatives, to large-scale urban farming. This work has ranged from ethnographic work with green activists to exploring the impact of pioneering sustainability schemes in cities. Mike has obtained funding from charities, industrial partners and global bodies for this work, with recent projects funded by the likes of Horizon Europe to the British Science Association and beyond. He also holds a number of senior editor roles, external advisory roles and regularly speaks in the media on urban sustainability.


  • 2022–present
    Professor of Urban Sustainability, University of Salford
  • 2018–2022
    Senior Lecturer in Urban Geography, University of Salford
  • 2013–2018
    Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Salford


  • 2013 
    Birmingham City University, PhD in Planning
  • 2009 
    Manchester Metropolitan University, MA the Contemporary City
  • 2008 
    Manchester Metropolitan University, BSc (Hons) Geography