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Research Associate Professor, University of Essex

My research interests include social, personality, political, and cross-cultural psychology as well as science communication and research methods.

A significant part of my empirical work includes human values (e.g., freedom, loyalty, security). Among other things I am interested in how people perceive the values of other people, and whether living in cities or countries in which other people share one's values has positive effects on one's well-being.

Currently, I am especially interested in similarities between groups of people. While people often tend to assume that values, attitudes, and abilities differ between, for example, women and men, younger and older people, or people from different countries, the amount of similarities between these groups is on average pretty large, typically between 80 and 95%. In my research I investigate the effects of highlighting similarities between groups of people.

For a full list of my publications see my Google Scholar profile


  • 2023–present
    Senior Lecturer, University of Essex
  • 2019–2023
    Lecturer, University of Essex
  • 2016–2020
    Postdoctoral researcher, University of Bath


  • 2017 
    Cardiff University, PhD