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Serrin Rutledge-Prior

Research Fellow, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University

I am a Research Fellow with the Crawford School of Public Policy, working on projects relating to citizen engagement and participation. I recently completed my PhD with the School of Politics and International Relations at the Australian National University; my thesis outlined a proposal for how to better include nonhuman animals within the scope of legal justice.

I also volunteer for the Animal Defenders Office, a nationally accredited community legal centre based in Canberra that focuses on animal law issues, and serve as a member of the ACT's Animal Welfare Advisory Committee.


  • 2023–present
    Research fellow, Australian National University


  • 2022 
    Australian National University, Doctor of Philosophy
  • 2018 
    Australian National University, Bachelor of Science
  • 2015 
    University of Adelaide, Bachelor of Arts


  • 2024
    Vegans and “Green-Collared Criminals”: the Depoliticization of Animal Advocacy in Public Discourse, Polity
  • 2022
    Criminalising (cubes of) truth: Animal advocacy, civil disobedience, and the politics of sight, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy
  • 2021
    Of droughts and fleeting rains: Drought, agriculture and media discourse in Australia, Australian Journal of Politics and History
  • 2016
    Young people and intentional informal voting in Australia, Australian Journal of Political Science