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Articles on Forensics

Displaying 61 - 80 of 93 articles

There’s a margin of error in relying on fingerprinting to catch criminals. from

Fingerprinting to solve crimes: not as robust as you think

Fingerprinting is a valuable police tool for tracking down suspects, but it’s not perfect. However, we can reduce the risk of any mistaken identity if we work within the limits of fingerprinting.
When lawyers submit forensic evidence in court, is there legit science to back it up? AP Photo/Pat Sullivan

Now who will push ahead on validating forensic science disciplines?

Forensics has a way to go before it’s a mature, academic science. Attorney General Jeff Sessions just terminated an independent commission charged with helping it get there.
Genetic techniques can help make pollen useful for cracking criminal cases. Karen L. Bell

Pollen genetics can help with forensic investigations

Pollen is all around us, is extremely durable and can provide clues about where someone’s been. A new genetic technique will make it easier to use pollen evidence in criminal investigations.
Forensic scientists should be encouraged to shed more light on a pattern of behaviour when investigating incidence. Flickr/WorldSkills UK

Let forensic science help prevent a crime or a disaster

Forensic scientists should be encouraged to help detect patterns of behaviour in the incidents they investigate. This could lead to changes in the way some things are done and potentially save lives.
Latent fingermarks dusted with micronised Egyptian blue on a $20 note, viewed in the Near Infrared. Simon Lewis

Ancient Egyptian pigment provides modern forensics with new coat of paint

The ancient Egyptians knew a thing or two about how to produce a vibrant blue pigment for their tombs and coffins. Now it’s being used to help find fingerprints.
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin, Trace fiber from Freud’s couch under crossed polars with Quartz wedge compensator (#1), 2015, unique jacquard woven tapestry, 2.9m x 2m. © Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin

Forensic analysis of skin dust from Freud’s couch leaves much to be desired

In the middle of a rose garden, on a leafy road in northwest London, nestles the Freud Museum – though the petals, in October, are tumbling. The house, at 20 Maresfield Gardens, is the proud bearer of…

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