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Articles on Relationships

Displaying 361 - 380 of 381 articles

Dad’s duty: kids and chores

Husbands have been given two secrets for a blissful marriage: engage with children and do household chores, a study has found…
Can science save floundering relationships? Participants in ABC TV’s Making Couples, airing tonight, find out. ABC TV

ABC TV’s Making Couples Happy tries to do it with science

Can a floundering relationship be saved in eight weeks using “science”? Premiering tonight, the new ABC series Making Couples Happy sets out to answer this very question. The show follows four “ordinary…

Snubs hurt less when you’re boss

Bosses recover from rejection faster at work and home. Researchers from the University of California: Berkeley conducted…
Cheating on a partner is always a choice, not a biologically determined effect. flickr/dhammza

Monogamy: cheating on what nature intended, or a simple choice?

Biologists and psychologists like to tussle with human characteristics: what’s inherent? What’s learnt? What’s genetically coded? What’s malleable? Every so often an “expert” will reignite the nature vs…
Australians willingly helped their neighbours when it was needed during the Queensland floods of 2011. Flickr/RaeAllen

Do you know your neighbour? Lending a hand and the Queensland floods

Neighbours are a source of growing aggravation in Australia and we are lodging more official complaints about each other than ever before. Excessive noise or odour, inadequate levels of property maintenance…
Married people are less likely to commit crime. Flickr/Marcus Hansson

Marriage helps reduce crime

More than half of all murders in Australia involve family members. The majority of them are committed by men who kill their partners. Here, as in many other countries, violence in the home is a major social…
ABC’s The Slap investigates the complex and very personal views of those at the heart of a smacking case. ABC

The legality of ‘The Slap’

In last night’s ABC program, The Slap, an impulsive slap changed everything. A man struck someone else’s child at a barbecue provoking a legal challenge. In real life, that would be an assault, though…
Grindr is an app that allows gay men to meet up for … fun and friendship. flickr/nathaninsandiego

Grindr, Blendr and why gays get all the cool stuff first

The second Stephen Fry mentioned Grindr on Top Gear of course its popularity surged. Not only did the app – designed to help homosexual blokes hook up with those geographically convenient – surge in popularity…
The cut-and-choose technique has been preventing tantrums since antiquity. free form by prudence

Cutting cake (and eating it too) – the sticky maths of fair division

I work on the mathematics of sharing resources, which has led me to consider emotions such as envy, behaviour such as risk-taking and the best way to cut a cake. Like, I suspect, many women, my wife enjoys…

A Platonic relationship? Not quite

Instead of advocating a form of love that does not involve physical intimacy as is widely believed, the ancient Greek thinker…
Women rushed to change their lives in the 60s and 70s, but their progress has stalled now. Flickr/Maciek Zygmunt

Why the rush for gender equality has stalled

No one is too surprised today if a young woman becomes a doctor, lawyer, or executive. But eyebrows are raised just about as much today as in decades past if a couple features a tall woman and short man…
Most families with at least one child say they are ‘comfortable’ with their finances at just under $80,000, according to latest figures from the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Flickr, Meredith Farkas.

Just under $80,000 a year is enough, say most families

Most families say they would feel comfortable living on an annual household income of just under $80,000 according to new figures from the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. However…

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