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Articles on Neuroscience

Displaying 461 - 480 of 693 articles

Is addiction a brain disease or a disease of choice? Addiction definition image via

Is addiction a brain disease?

What exactly is addiction? What role, if any, does choice play? And if addiction involves choice, how can we call it a “brain disease,” with its implications of involuntariness?
Consciousness remains one of the most puzzling phenomena in science. Melissa Portes/Flickr

Is anyone there? About consciousness and its disorders

Consciousness is one of the most puzzling phenomena in science. How does the electric and chemical activity in your brain produce your subjective experiences; the colour red or the taste of chocolate?
Psychogenic fugue – when you can’t remember anything from your past.

Memory loss: it’s not all amnesia

People lose their memory in many different ways. A neuropsychologist explains the lingo.
The brain implant sends signals to anything from a bionic prosthetic limb, to a full body ‘exoskeleton’ Rex Bionics

How ‘mind-controlled’ bionic devices could help quadriplegics walk

A 3cm-long stent containing 12 electrodes could one day help people living with spinal cord injury to walk with the power of thought.
Doctors currently have no perfectly reliable way of ensuring patients are adequately unconscious before an operation begins. from

Scientists find way to predict who is likely to wake up during surgery

Measuring certain kinds of brain activity may help doctors track and predict how patients will react to anaesthesia before going under for surgery, our research has found.

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