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Articles on Nuclear power plants

Displaying 41 - 60 of 98 articles

The coils winding facility building in France, where a global effort to build the ITER fusion energy reactor is underway. Rob Crandall/

Why nuclear fusion is gaining steam – again

As fusion becomes more technically viable, it’s time to assess whether it’s worth the money because breakthroughs in the lab don’t guarantee success in the marketplace.
Workers at Fukushima in January 2018. Behrouz Mehri/AFP

Fukushima seven years later: case closed?

On March 11, 2011, a nuclear disaster struck Japan. Translated testimony by the power plant’s manager reveals how close the world came to a greater catastrophe – and how much there is to be learned.
Solar home designed by University of Maryland students for the Department of Energy’s 2017 Solar Decathlon. DOE Solar Decathlon

Subsidizing coal and nuclear power could drive customers off the grid

Energy Secretary Rick Perry says the US needs to subsidize nuclear and coal power plants to keep the grid stable. But this policy would raise energy costs and could drive consumers off-grid instead.
Coal power has long been a mainstay of the electricity system but has lost share as natural gas prices have gone down. John Fowler

Do coal and nuclear need a helping hand? 5 essential reads

The Department of Energy’s review of the electricity grid finds natural gas, rather than renewables, has hurt coal and nuclear power. But that’s only half the story of the changes underway.
Assumptions, authoritarianism and errors are just a few of the ways in which the world could be confronted by a nuclear disaster, physicist and disarmament expert MV Ramana suggests in his book reviews. Shutterstock

Worth reading in the Trump era: Nuclear nightmares, authoritarianism and climate change

A nuclear physicist and disarmament expert recommends reading on nuclear disasters, weapons, authoritarianism and climate change.
Large nuclear reactors could fade into history, proponents of small modular nuclear reactors argue. The reality may be more complex. (Shutterstock)

Small nuclear power reactors: Future or folly?

Nuclear industry players tout small modular reactors as an “inherently safe,” cost-effective source of electricity. The reality may be less attractive.

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