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Articles on Nuclear power plants

Displaying 61 - 80 of 98 articles

The superheated plasma inside the fusion reactor is twisted by magnetic fields. IPP, Matthias Otte

A new twist on fusion power could help bring limitless clean energy

Fusion power, if it works, offers vast amounts of clean energy and almost zero carbon emissions. A new experimental fusion reactor has come online, and it uses a curious twisted stellarator design.
The Fukushima Daini plant, 11km from the ill-fated Daiichi station, suffered a technical problem in one of its spent fuel cooling ponds. EPA/Kimimasa Mayama

Is Fukushima still safe after the latest earthquake?

The latest earthquake off Japan’s east coast was an ominous reminder of the 2011 Fukushima disaster. But despite a technical hitch at one of Fukushima’s other reactors, there was no repeat this time.
Trump’s access to nuclear weapons poses a new and unknown threat to global peace and security. AAP Image/NEWZULU/ZACH SIMEONE

Three good reasons to worry about Trump having the nuclear codes

Donald Trump will soon have command of thousands of nuclear weapons. This presents a new and unknown threat to global security - and an urgent incentive for all states to ban nuclear weapons.
The FitzPatrick nuclear plant in Oswego, New York will receive state subsidies to continue operating through 2029. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory commission/Flickr

Nuclear power deserves a level playing field

A nuclear engineer makes the case that nuclear power plants are important resources and should receive economic rewards for providing steady supplies of carbon-free electricity.
White storks on road near Chernobyl, Ukraine. Many parts of the Chernobyl region have low radioactivity levels and serve as refuges for plants and animals. Tim Mousseau

At Chernobyl and Fukushima, radioactivity has seriously harmed wildlife

How do we measure long-term impacts of nuclear accidents? Studies at Chernobyl and Fukushima show that radiation has harmed animals, birds and insects and reduced biodiversity at both sites.
Temelin nuclear power plant, Czech Republic. IAEA/Flickr

How to protect nuclear plants from terrorists

Recent terrorist attacks have heightened concerns about the security of nuclear plants. A former top U.S. nuclear regulator says security is weak at many sites worldwide.

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