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Articles on Smoking

Displaying 181 - 200 of 307 articles

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is responsible for the majority of deaths from chronic lower respiratory diseases. from

How Australians Die: cause #4 – chronic lower respiratory diseases

The lung is like an upside-down tree where the wind pipe is the trunk and the bronchi are the branches. Chronic lower respiratory diseases affect these branches.
I support nudging smoking choices by taxation policy, packaging, warnings and information campaigns. But redefining adulthood is a step too far. Lana Veshta/Shutterstock

When is a smoker an adult? Why we shouldn’t raise the legal smoking age to 21

The Tasmanian government is considering whether to raise the age at which people can legally purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21 or possibly even 25. California is also moving to increase the legal…
No 1: today’s smokers are all hard core, addicted smokers who can’t or won’t give up. Zentinel/Shutterstock

Ten more myths about smoking that will not die

Last week, I wrote about factoid-driven myths that just refuse to die. In less than a week, the piece has had more than 1.184 million readers. There’s plainly a big appetite for smoking myth busting, so…
Anti-smoking momentum among young people is starving the tobacco industry of new smokers, Donnakarn Pongmanutsakorn/Shutterstock

The slow-burn, devastating impact of tobacco plain packs

It is three years since Australia fully implemented its historic tobacco plain packaging law. From December 1, 2012, all tobacco products have been required to be sold in the mandated standardised packs…
Many thousands of people stop and reduce their smoking every year. Raúl Villalón/Flickr

Are today’s smokers really more ‘hardened’?

As smoking continues its inexorable southward journey toward single-digit percentages of populations being smokers, it’s common to hear people say the smokers who remain are all “hard core”, heavily dependent…

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