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Articles on Smoking

Displaying 161 - 180 of 307 articles

Generally, people under 40 have reported a decrease in recent illicit drug usage since 2001, while people 40 or older have reported an increase in recent years. AAP Image/Paul Miller

Three charts on: Australia’s changing drug and alcohol habits

The proportion of population who use legal and illegal drugs has remained stable or trended down. Fewer young people are using, but the proportion of older people using drugs and alcohol has grown.
People’s sense of self is partly determined by the groups to which they belong: “I’m a smoker”. moriza/flickr

Goodbye glamour-puss and rugged hero: smokers lose brand identity with plain cigarette packaging

Cigarette brands present images of slender, stylish women and strong, independent men. Plain packaging breaks this positive brand identity for some smokers.
Snoring occurs due to vibration of the soft tissues of your upper airway. timothykrause/flickr

Health Check: is snoring anything to worry about?

Snoring has been linked to serious health conditions such as obstructive sleep apnoea and even cardiovascular disease.
If smoking is so joyous, why doesn’t it look it… Wikimedia Commons

On the pleasure of smoking

Many fork out considerable money in pharmaceuticals along the way in the attempt to shake their smoking.
Smokers not only pay a lot of money for cigarettes but also for their health insurance.

Another cost of smoking: Sky-high insurance

To discourage smoking, insurance companies charge higher premiums for smokers. This is having an unexpected consequence: rather than quit smoking, poor people are quitting insurance.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most wretched tobacco-caused illnesses. Chris Singshinsuk/Shutterstock

Philip Morris speaks at and promotes an obscure conference on lung disease

Over the past decade, every researcher’s email inbox has been crammed daily with junk from what have come to be known as predatory journals and conferences. Last week I had 21 offers to send my non-existent…
Very few smokers are willing to seek anything more than brief assistance. RaulLieberwirth/flickr

Has New Zealand lost its way in tobacco control?

The New Zealand government has decided to reorient its priorities in tobacco control. It has announced it will be pulling 73% of its previous funding support for tobacco control advocacy. The only money…

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