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Articles on US Congress

Displaying 381 - 400 of 534 articles

Father Patrick Conroy. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Why does Congress have a chaplain?

Following the controversy over the resignation of House chaplain Patrick Conroy, in this speed read, scholars explain when the tradition of legislative prayer was started and how it has sustained.
Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, has fought a battle with conservatives in his party for the speakership. Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

What does the speaker of the House do? Here’s what Kevin McCarthy’s successor will have for a job

The speaker of the House is the most visible and authoritative spokesperson for the majority party in the House. But their role goes beyond politics to everything from accounting to procurement.
Cutouts depicting Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wearing ‘Fix Fakebook’ displayed on Capitol Hill on April 10, 2018. AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

The law that made Facebook what it is today

The Communications Decency Act was passed in 1996, seven years before the debut of MySpace. It helped online publishing grow – and to escape consequences for the way users might be harmed.
On September 24, 2019, US President Donald Trump was at the United Nations to speak to the general assembly. His visit was overshadowed by the decision by the House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against him based on revelations in the unfolding Ukraine scandal. Saul Loeb/AFP

A friendly reminder: impeaching Donald Trump will not remove him from office

On September 24, 2019, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House had launched a formal impeachment inquiry against the president. But as history shows, the outcome is anything but assured.
Members of Congress debated a government spending bill into the early morning on March 20. AP/J. Scott Applewhite

A return to earmarks could grease the wheels in Congress

Pork-barrel spending – that often reviled custom otherwise known as ‘earmarks’ – may well help Congress pass bills on schedule. Banned since 2011, they may be making a comeback.
A Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student speaks during a rally with Thurgood Marshall Academy students in advance of Saturday’s March for Our Lives event in Washington REUTERS/Eric Thayer

Gun control and March for Our Lives: 4 essential reads

Student activists marching Saturday want Congress to enact comprehensive gun control. Here is a selection of stories from our archive that will help you understand the issues raised by the students.
Deedra Abboud is running for the U.S. Senate in Arizona. AP Photo/Matt York

Why you should vote for a woman in 2018

Research shows they face greater obstacles to election than their male counterparts, thus work harder and represent constituents better.
Pres. Dwight Eisenhower, right, looking at a map in 1955 of highways to be built with federal funds that retired Gen. Lucius Clay, left, had outlined. AP Photo/Byron Rollins

Why Trump may usher in the biggest gas tax hike ever

Despite all their anti-tax sentiments, Republicans from Hoover to Trump have embraced this levy on sales at the pump.
The White House favors public-private partnerships for widening congested roads and getting other pricey projects done. AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

Why Trump’s infrastructure ambitions are likely to stall

The $1.5 trillion plan he’s proposing would do the most for ventures that don’t really need the government’s help and ignores some major obstacles to private investment.
President Donald Trump delivers his State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

3 key quotes from Trump’s first State of the Union, explained

Trump touted his administration’s economic successes and laid out his immigration plan in an 80-minute speech to Congress. Our experts weigh in.

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