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Articles on US Congress

Displaying 421 - 440 of 534 articles

Relatively few homes hit by Harvey have flood insurance. Reuters/Carlo Allegri

How flood insurance works: 6 questions answered

The federal government created a program in 1968 to insure homes in the US from flooding, yet few of the houses hammered by Harvey’s record rainfall were covered.
Somalian refugee Mohamoud Saed stands in his friend’s clothing shop he helps out with in Clarkston, Georgia. AP Photo/David Goldman

With better data, we can help set refugees up for success

Instead of focusing only on crime, the government can help set refugees up for success by collecting data on what’s working and what’s not in the integration process.
Relatively few low-income Americans are getting welfare payments these days. Christine Hoi/

The bigotry baked into welfare cuts

Misleading stereotypes help explain why the share of families living in poverty who benefit from a core assistance program has plummeted – and why Trump wants new cuts.
An anti-U.S. protest in Yemen during Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia. Reuters/Khaled Abdullah

Can Congress pressure the White House on human rights?

Congress is trying to curb the president’s ties to human rights abusers, harkening back to landmark legislation of the 1970s.
Decreased regulation has failed to reduce the growing administrative burden of health care. Valeri Potapova/

Why market competition has not brought down health care costs

GOP lawmakers say their bills to replace the Affordable Care Act would do a better job than the ACA of controlling rising health care costs, but 40 years of deregulation show it just won’t work.
The number of Americans who can get a tax break through their charitable contributions could tumble during the Trump administration. Helen's Photos/

Why Congress should let everyone deduct charitable gifts from their taxes

The tax changes Trump and GOP lawmakers propose would reduce charitable giving, research suggests. But letting everyone use a tax break mostly enjoyed by the rich might prevent that.

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