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Articles on Business

Displaying 581 - 600 of 664 articles

Interest from international investors looking to take over Asciano, operator of rail company Pacific National, shows that the sector is still seen as a steady market. JULIAN SMITH/AAP

Transport outlook: larger companies will survive global economic downturn and slowdown in mining

International investors competing for a stake and the Federal Government’s positive outlook for mining are both good signs for the largest companies in the transport sector.
It’s stormy conditions in share markets and a competitive sector, not natural disasters, that will define the outlook for the insurance sector. KARIN CALVERT/AAP

Insurance outlook: in an era of increasing competition technology will make the difference

The outlook for the insurance sector will depend less on natural disasters and more on how the big insurers respond to smaller competitors and the use of technology in assessing policies.
The study found that the average total remuneration for female managers was equal to just the base salary for their male counterparts. From

Female senior managers paid $100,000 less than their male counterparts: study

Women receive less pay than men, especially at a top management level, and are less represented on the board of organisations, a new study has found.
Whose money pile is growing was a key issue in 2015. Money tree via

2015, the year that was: economics and business

Our scholars delivered a steady supply of research and analysis on what was a busy year in business and economics.
Research must have an impact – but what’s the best way to measure it?

Watt report suggests financial incentives for measuring research impact

A government report on research funding and policy has recommended introducing a funding incentive to ensure university research benefits society and business.

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