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Articles on Business

Displaying 601 - 620 of 664 articles

Fair trade logo in coffee. The sustainability campaign mobilized business, but is it really enough? ismunn/flickr

Why corporate sustainability won’t solve climate change

Businesses are crucial to action on climate change but corporate social responsibility doesn’t take us far enough or fast enough. Here’s why.
‘There are relatively fewer large-scale research-intensive industries for universities to partner with in Australia,’ says Glyn Davis, vice-chancellor, University of Melbourne. Alan Porritt/AAP

Poor research-industry collaboration: time for blame or economic reality at work?

We can’t fulfil Malcolm Turnbull’s ambition for an innovative nation without understanding why researchers are struggling to engage with industry.
Boxing clever? Osborne delivers. Andy Rain/EPA

Budget 2015: Experts respond

Instant reaction from academics as George Osborne delivers his post-election budget.
Business, environmental, trade union and social groups all see advantages in looking beyond high-emission industries such as coal-fired power. Nick Pitsas/CSIRO/Wikimedia Commons

Australia’s ‘climate roundtable’ could unite old foes and end the carbon deadlock

The Australian Climate Roundtable unites business, environmental and social groups in calling for a strong climate policy. This unprecedented show of unity might even break down Canberra’s climate stalemate.

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