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Articles on Business

Displaying 621 - 640 of 664 articles

Spotting the problem before it’s too late. Tom Wang/

Five warning flags that a business is failing

A company’s culture is key to its success (and failure). Here are five examples of bad culture that can lethally infect businesses.
Miliband appealed to spooked businesses with a warning about the EU. Chris Radburn/PA

How credible is Ed Miliband’s Europe gambit?

Opening his campaign, Miliband warned an EU referendum would be bad for business. But not holding one could have serious consequences too.
A war footing for business? DVIDSHUB

Planning for war: a guide for businesses

__The turmoil of 2014 was a timely reminder to businesses that they need to be prepared and have contingency plans for global conflict. The crisis in Ukraine brought Russia and the West to the brink of…
Australia has changed from primarily being a destination for permanent settlers to having an increasing number of temporary arrivals. Ben Beiske/Flickr (modified)

Speaking with: Shanthi Robertson on the changing face of migration

Shanthi Robertson on the changing face of migration
Immigration is a contentious topic in many parts of the world, and the debate in Australia has been predictably framed around asylum seekers, the burdens on taxpayers and the protection of local jobs…
Brexit ‘bad for business’ says BCC director John Longworth. Andy Rain/EPA

Uncertainty about Brexit is bad for business, says BCC chief

There have been calls for an early referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU. But they did not originate from Conservative eurosceptic backbenchers or from UKIP, as one would expect. Instead, it was…

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